Thursday, September 10, 2009

Simple DB Explorer 2009.02.05.01

An utility that can upload and manage structured data in Amazon SimpleDB domains.

SDB Explorer is a User Interface for Amazon's SimpleDB. You can organize your structured data in SimpleDB domains and can run queries on them securely.

SimpleDB explroer allows you to organize your Amazon SimpleDB databases without accessing the site. You can use SDB Commander as a command line tool for Amazon SimpleDB.

Here are some key features of "SimpleDB Explorer":

· Create and Explore Domain on SimpleDB.

· Upload and Manage structured data like MySql into Amazon SimpleDB domain.

· Export single or multiple domains from Amazon SimpleDB to local file system.

· Run SELECT queries on structured data stored in SimpleDB Domain.

· Search on item-identifier.

· Configure sort by item identifier.

· Sort records by any of the field or by item identifier.

· Create and delete attributes in domain.

· Set preferences for pagination and proxy setting.

· Select your own field as an Item-Identifier from structured data table before UPLOAD

· Use SDB Commander to schedule and automate Export Domain operation.

· Set proxy for NTML authentication.

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