Monday, August 31, 2009

Learn Visual Basic 6 2

Learn Visual Basic 6 is a 10-week, self-paced overview of the new Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and environment. This course aims to teach an understanding of the benefits of using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as an application development tool, as well as how to understand Visual Basic event-driven programming concepts, terminology, and available tools. You can also learn the fundamentals of designing, implementing, and distributing a wide variety of Visual Basic applications. Learn Visual Basic 6 is presented using a combination of course notes (written in Microsoft Word format) and more than 60 Visual Basic examples and applications. This updated version adds e-mail and Web access examples.
  1. Start Visual Basic. Usually, 'Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio > Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0'. You should see a window similar.
  2. Click the default "Standard EXE" icon and then click the "Open" button.
  3. Drag a 'Command Button' from the 'Toolbox' to the form and drop it. Drag another one to the form and drop it.
  4. Click the first 'Command Button' to select it. Open the property window and change the 'Name' property to 'CommandA'.
  5. Select the second 'Command Button' from the drop down window at the top of the property window and then change the 'Name' property to 'CommandB'.
  6. Double click the first 'Command Button' object in the form to open the code window for that button.
  7. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button A" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandA_Click()
  8. Double click the second 'Command Button' object in the form to open the code window for that button.
  9. Enter the code, Msgbox "You clicked Button B" after the automatically entered code Private Sub CommandA_Click()
  10. Click the 'Run' button in the toolbar at the top of the VB 6 development environment window to execute the program.
  11. Click either button A or button B and observe the fruits of your labor!

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