Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Astound Stereo Expander 1.2

AstoundStereo: The next dimension in the evolution of audio. With AstoundStereo, sounds appear to emanate from all around you. It elevates and widens the stereo image for a truly immersive listening experience. AstoundStereo Expander produces a richer and more expansive stereo image while playing music, a DVD, a video game or any application that produces audio. Any audio playback on your Mac can be an ASTOUNDING audio experience with the simple download of AstoundStereo Expander! AstoundStereo is a 4D sound experience through two audio channels, such as headphones or laptop speakers. It processes all digital audio on your laptop or desktop computer in real-time utilizing AstoundSound technology to enhance the audio in your existing music, movie and game collections. No special hardware or decoding devices are required, making it compatible with most audio playback devices.

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