Friday, August 14, 2009

KompoZer is a wysiwyg HTML editor

If you dislike that achy, bloated feeling that other HTML editors can give your computer, KompoZer may be the freeware cure you're looking for. An open-source Web development tool built on the NVU architecture, KompoZer aims to improve upon the NVU's bugginess.

It does a fairly admirable job of that, while not being bloatware. Major editing buttons live on the top three-tier toolbar, including a one-click Publishing icon as well as one-clicks for Image insertion and Table and Form creation. Font tweaks like Size and Style live in toolbars just below that, making for easy HTML editing. A Site Manager, including File tree, is anchored on the left, although it can be collapsed, and the WYSIWYG standard means that KompoZer can compete more than adequately with other, better-known editors.

Currently packaged with Portable Apps, KompoZer's exposure seems to be growing. While this is a good thing, the program lacks a certain finish, potentially making it visually unappealing to "professional" users. Judging from the smooth, bug-free way KompoZer tested for us, it's definitely aiming to play the same tune that its competitors are.

Click here to download

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